Values That Define Us

Forward-Thinking Mindset

We never do things just because “that’s how it’s always been done.” At Shack Built, we are always trying to improve our process.

Content Grid

Columns of content (or a grid of content) with many options:

  • 1/2/3/4/5 Columns
  • Narrow and single column sizing options
  • Ability to add icons
  • Background color or background image
  • Variable overlay settings
  • Vertical spacing or full screen height
Label Name Type Notes
Size tab
Columns content_grid_columns select
Size content_grid_size select
Narrow content_grid_narrow true_false
Content tab
Add Icons content_grid_add_icons true_false
Center Icon content_grid_center_icon true_false
Icon Size content_grid_icon_size select
Heading content_grid_heading group (Clone of Utility : Heading)
Items content_grid_items repeater
Settings tab
Background Color content_grid_background_color clone (Clone of Utility : Background Color)
Vertical Spacing content_grid_vertical_spacing select
Full Screen Height content_grid_full_screen_height true_false